We are pleased to confirm that round one of the Microgaming Cross Country league will be held on Sunday 8th October 2017 at Castle Rushen High School in Castletown, hosted by Manx Harriers.

Here is the race timetable and a map of the course.
As usual we would like to remind spectators that dogs are NOT permitted on school property, please arrive early to use the car parks or car share where possible.
Many thanks to Mr Winstanley, the headmaster of Castle Rushen High School for allowing us hold the event at the school. Mr Winstanley has asked that competitors and spectators please respect school property and do all they can to remove mud from their footwear before entering the school buildings. We would also like to thank Mr Paul Costain for the usage and access of his land. We would ask that all competitors and spectators keep to edges of the fields so newly planted crops aren’t damaged.