Here are the results of the Microgaming Cross Country League 2017-18 – Round 1
Microgaming Cross Country League – Round 1 – Results

Here are the results of the Microgaming Cross Country League 2017-18 – Round 1
Sunday 3rd December 2017 sees round 3 of the Microgaming Cross Country League at Crossag’s Farm in Ramsey. As usual the registration desk opens at 1pm at the amenity block on the camp site and will remain open until 2pm. Make sure you arrive in good time if you need to enter on the day. If you have entered for the series then there is no need to check in unless you have lost your number in which case see us for a new number to be issued on the day.
The course is hilly with some flat agricultural fields and is well known for being a real test for the runners. The underfoot conditions will only be determined in the next few days. Much will depend on whether the present dry spell continues or if the heavens open and rains heavily!
All spectators and athletes are asked to Park at Ramsey Grammar School car parks rather than drive up to the course as there is very little space for parking. The walk is not far and will help with the organisation of the event.
2.00pm | U9 Boys & Girls | 2 Small Laps | 860m |
2.10pm | U11 Boys & Girls | 3 Small Laps | 1290m |
2.25pm | U13 Boys & Girls & Short Course | 1 Small +1 Large Lap | 2600m |
2.35pm | U15 Boys & Girls, U17 Girls & Junior Ladies | 2 Large Laps | 4660m |
2.35pm | U17 Boys, Junior Men, Senior Ladies & Vet Ladies | 3 Large Laps | 6990m |
2.35pm | Senior Men & Vet Men | 4 Large Laps | 9320m |
Here is a map of the course.
After the first two meetings a number of athletes had repeat wins in round two so it will be interesting if this weekend sees some new faces taking the honours at the front of the races. In the Senior events Rachael Franklin and Alan Corlett have had clear wins in both events up to now so it will be intriguing to see whether they can be caught on the hills of the North of the Island.
Thanks must go out in advance of the event to Northern AC for hosting and also Microgaming for the much valued support of Isle of Man Cross Country events. Hopefully we will see another well supported event full of great sport and many personal battles.
The 2nd round of the Microgaming Cross Country League is being held at QE11 High School, Peel on Sunday 5th November 2017. Signing on will be from 1pm with the first race off at 2pm.
As usual the registration desk will be situated in the QE11 sports area along with the Western AC refreshment stall and changing facilities.
The course map and timetable will be displayed at the start line and in the registration area. Signs will be in place to direct people to registration from the car parks.
If you would like to volunteer to help marshal the course please let us know.
Athletes are reminded to be ready at start line 5 mins before there start time and to listen out for whistle and instructions from officials.
Spectators are requested to stay off the racing line.
As always no dogs are permitted on any part of the course.
Since round 1 one we have had a few questions from a number of athletes and family members about the series. We have turned these into a Frequently Asked Questions
We hope to see as many of you as possible.
The league organisers would like to thank the athletes for the fantastic turn out at the first meeting at Castle Rushen High School. Your support and that of your families was much appreciated. In addition we wish to thank Microgaming for their great support of the event, Castle Rushen High School for use of their facilities, the land owner Paul Costain, Barista Express for refreshments and Manx Harriers officials. Without all of their support such a successful event could not have taken place.
Since race one we have had a few questions from a number of athletes and family members about the series. We have turned these into a few Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) which are answered below. If the below do not cover your queries or answer your questions then contact Andy Fox on 626415, 495830 or However, your first point of call should be to go through the FAQs below as you will probably find your answer.
We hope to see as many of you as possible as well as others at the second round event in Peel on Sunday 5th. November signing on from 1pm, first race off at 2pm.
Frequently Asked Questions –
Where actually are the next two events in the league?
The next race takes place on Sunday 5th November at QE2 High School. It is hosted by Western AC and they will be posting up maps and timetables for the event on their website and on this website very soon. The second race is hosted by Northern AC at Crossag’s Farm on Sunday 3rd December. The final race which also incorporates the Manx Championships takes place on Sunday 21st January at the Nunnery Estate and is hosted by Manx Harriers. Look out for information on all the up and coming events via the athletic websites.
When can an under 9 run in the XC League?
Under 9 athletes can compete in the league when they are 7 years old. As such there is a mistake on the entry form which stipulates age on the 31st August. This date is only applicable as the changeover point when an athlete moves from one age group to the next. Under 9s are beginning their athletic interest or career so their age on the day of the race is the starting point i.e. that age being 7 years old on the day of competition.
What should I do if I have paid for the series when I turn up to the next race, do I need to sign in?
There has been some confusion here with half the athletes who paid for the series checking in and half not doing so in event 1 at CRHS. As such, the organising committee have decided to save queueing, athletes who have paid for the series do not need to sign in on the day of the race. However, make sure you turn up early to allow a warm up and check the course out and then be at or near the start line 10 minutes before your event is due to start. At this point listen out for marshals and any instructions given. Races will not be started early but they will go on time so you need to be there or you will miss your race
What should I do if I have lost my number?
If you have paid for the series and lost your number then you will need to turn up to the registration desk too be issued with a new number. If you have paid for one race only then. turn up with your number (if you still have it) and pay the next event registration and your number will be validated for that race also. It is quicker and easier to pay for the series even if you make that decision when going to race 2. The extra point here is look after your race number and use it for all the cross country races you take part in this winter.
How can I speed up my registration if I am turning up to my first XC event?
The quickest way to speed up your entry is to down load an entry form from the IOM AA website and fill it out ready in advance of the event. Then bring it and the correct money or a cheque made out to IOM AA with you to the event registration. Your help with this will be much appreciated by the organisers but even more so by the other athletes in the queue. Oh and one extra point – get to the venue early. Better to be in the queue at 1pm and not 1.55pm with a race about to start at 2pm!!!
Why do unattached (not a member of a club) runners have to pay an extra £2 for entry?
The answer here is simple – so you are insured in case of injury or accident. All courses should have been checked for safety, however, accidents can happen. If you are the member of a club you are automatically registered with England and UK Athletics and so are covered by their event insurance. If not a member of a club then the £2 paid covers for for any issues that may occur as a result of competing. School students are treated differently and are either first claim members of a club or are seen as first claim to their school. This is where the £2 for unattached senior athletes comes from. If this stipulation was not in place then only attached or registered athletes could take part and so the event would lose its open and welcoming status.
I did not sign up for the whole series at race one. Can I do that now?
The answer is yes but come prepared with forms completed and correct money/cheque ready at registration. Also get there early as we will have more work to do to process your request! For seniors you will need £18 if a club member or £26 if unattached. Juniors it will be £10 for club members or school affiliated members.
We hope you find the above helpful and look forward to welcoming all athletes and spectators to Peel where we hope to see some fantastic Cross Country Running in event 2 of the Microgaming Cross Country League.
We are pleased to confirm that round one of the Microgaming Cross Country league will be held on Sunday 8th October 2017 at Castle Rushen High School in Castletown, hosted by Manx Harriers.
Here is the race timetable and a map of the course.
As usual we would like to remind spectators that dogs are NOT permitted on school property, please arrive early to use the car parks or car share where possible.
Many thanks to Mr Winstanley, the headmaster of Castle Rushen High School for allowing us hold the event at the school. Mr Winstanley has asked that competitors and spectators please respect school property and do all they can to remove mud from their footwear before entering the school buildings. We would also like to thank Mr Paul Costain for the usage and access of his land. We would ask that all competitors and spectators keep to edges of the fields so newly planted crops aren’t damaged.