Law Trust Cross-Country League Round 4 & IOM Championships

The local cross-country season reaches its climax on the afternoon of Sunday 14th January with the fourth and final round of the Law Trust sponsored Cross-Country League.

The event also doubles as the Isle of Man Cross-Country Championship for 2024, with medals at stake in all age groups (except the short course race which is non-championship but still part of the league). This year’s event is hosted by Manx Harriers and will be based at the Horses Home on Richmond Hill, just off the main Douglas to Castletown road. The venue has a big car park.

There is a team element to the championships event, with teams from clubs or schools competing for team medals in each category. Club members should wear club vests. All the medals for the Championships will be presented at the same time as the League awards – the date of the awards evening to be confirmed. Four are needed to form a team in each age group except U17 (three), U20 (three) and Senior Men (six).

The under-nine and U11 races use the small lap which includes a short hill, with the U9s completing one lap and the U11s two laps. The races for all ages from U13 upwards go onto the full course. The course has been slightly modified since it was first used last season, with a different start and finish point (away from the mud) and a longer lap which uses an extra field at the far end of the course. The big hill used last year has been split this time into two separate climbs with a short respite in between.

All runners should be sure to tie their shoes on very securely as the mud is very deep in places and will suck shoes off if they are not attached well to feet! Spectators are asked to keep the course clear during the races and listen to marshal’s instructions. Do not walk on the starting straight after 1pm.

The timetable is as follows:

12 noon to 1pm – Registration and course available for inspection.
1.00pm – U9 Boys and Girls, 1 Small Lap, 800 metres
1.10pm – U11 Boys, 2 Small Laps, 1,600 metres
1.20pm – U11 Girls, 2 Small Laps , 1,600 metres
1.30pm – U15 Boys & Girls, U17 Women, 1 Small Lap and 1 Long Lap, 4,050 metres
1.30pm – U20, Senior, Veteran Women, 1 Small Lap and 2 Long Laps, 7,300 metres
2.00pm – U13 Boys and Girls, 1 Large Lap, 3,250 metres
2.15pm – Short Course Men & Women, 1 Large Lap, 3,250 metres
2.15pm – U17 Men, 2 Large Laps, 6,500 metres
2.15pm – U20, Senior, Veteran Men, 3 Large Laps, 9,750 metres

Please ensure that you are at the start at least five minutes before your event.

If you have not yet competed in the series you will need to enter online by midnight on Thursday – the link is There are no entries on the day. If you have not already paid for this round you need to do so by bank transfer (details on the entry form), or by cash or by cheque payable to IOM Athletics Association at the venue between 12 noon and 1pm on Sunday.

If you have already entered and paid for the series and have your race number there is no need to attend the registration desk, just go to the start line five minutes before your race wearing your number to the front. If you have lost your number and need a replacement (for a small charge) there will be a separate desk at registration at the venue.

Here are the course Maps.

David Griffiths
4 January 2024

Law Trust Cross-Country League Round 3 – Sunday 3rd December – Crossags

Round 3 of the Law Trust Cross-Country League takes place at Crossags in Ramsey on Sunday 3rd December, and is hosted by Northern AC.

Any competitor who has not yet competed in the series must enter online by midnight on Thursday 30th November here.  A course map is also available to view here. There are no entries on the day, but your race number can be collected from registration if you have not competed in an earlier round. If you have not already paid for this round you need to do so by bank transfer (details on the entry form), or by cash or by cheque payable to IOM Athletics at registration between 12 noon and 1pm on Sunday.

Those who have already competed in the series should wear the same race number. If you have lost your number, a replacement is available from registration from 12 noon to 1pm for a £2 charge. If you have your race number and have already paid your entry you do not need to attend the registration desk.

The minimum age for competitors in the under-nine races is seven years on the day of the race.

The under-nine and U11 races use the bottom field. The courses for all ages from U13 upwards take the runners onto challenging terrain including a significant climb through fields and woodland with a shallow stream crossing.

There is no parking at the venue. Competitors are asked to park in the vicinity of Ramsey Grammar School and walk up Crossags Lane at Schoolhouse Corner. The tarmac lane crosses the golf course and leads to the pavilion at the campsite which will be race HQ. Allow 10 minutes for the walk.

A refreshment van will be on site selling tea / coffee etc, and there are toilet facilities, but the showers will not be in use.

The timetable is as follows:

12 noon to 1pm –          Registration

1.00pm –                      U9 girls – 2 small laps – 920 metres

1.10pm –                      U9 boys – 2 small laps – 920 metres

1.20pm –                      U11 girls – 3 small laps – 1,380 metres

1.30pm –                      U11 boys – 3 small laps – 1,380 metres

1.45pm –                      U13 boys & girls & short course – 1 small lap, 1 large lap – 2,890 metres

1.45pm –                      U17 men & women – 1 small lap, 2 large laps – 5,320 metres

2.15pm –                      U15 boys & girls –2 large laps – 4,860 metres

2.15pm –                       U20/senior/veteran women – 3 large laps – 7,290 metres

2.15pm –                      U20/senior/veteran men – 4 large laps – 9,720 metres

Please report to the start line of your race at least five minutes before the start time. Spectators please keep off the racing line and obey instructions from marshals.


Law Trust Cross-Country League Round 2 – QE2 School 05/11/23

The second round of the Law Trust Cross-Country League takes place on Sunday 5th November, and is hosted by Western AC at QE2 High School in Peel.

The under-nine and U11 races use the school field only. The races for all ages from U13 upwards also use the school field, but then take the runners onto adjacent farmland which is undulating with some short sharp ups and downs. Each full lap takes the runners back round the school field.

Strictly no dogs are allowed on any part of the course. Spectators are asked to keep the course clear during the races.

The timetable is as follows:

12 noon to 1pm –          Registration

1.00pm –                      U9 boys – 1 small lap – 800 metres

1.05pm –                      U9 girls – 1 small lap – 800 metres

1.10pm –                      U11 boys – 2 small laps – 1,660 metres

1.20pm –                      U11 girls – 2 small laps – 1,660 metres

1.30pm –                      U13 boys & girls & Short Course – 1 small lap, 1 large lap – 2,960 metres

1.30pm –                      U17 men & women – 1 small lap, 2 large laps – 5,160 metres

1.40pm –                      U15 boys & girls – 2 large laps – 4,300 metres

1.40pm –                       U20/senior/veteran women – 3 large laps – 6,500 metres

2.10pm –                      U20/senior/veteran men – 1 small lap, 4 large laps – 9,560 metres

If you have not yet entered the series you will need to enter online by midnight on Friday 3rd November – the link is There are no entries on the day. If you have not already paid for this round you need to do so by bank transfer (details on the entry form), or by cash or by cheque payable to IOM Athletics Association at the school between 12 noon and 1pm on race day.

If you have already entered and paid for the series and have your race number there is no need to attend the registration desk, just go to the start line five minutes before your race wearing your number to the front. If you have lost your number and need a replacement (for a £2 charge) there will be a separate desk at registration at the venue.

If you entered prior to the first round but did not run at Port-e-Chee and have not picked up your race number you can collect it from the desk between 12 noon and 1pm on race day.

Here are the maps


David Griffiths

26 October 2023


Law Trust IOM Cross Country League Round 1 – 01/10/23

Entries have closed for the first of four rounds of the Law Trust Isle of Man Cross Country League which takes place at Port-e-Chee Meadow near Braddan Bridge on the outskirts of Douglas on Sunday afternoon. This round is organised by Manx Harriers, with race HQ being at Douglas Rugby Club. The first race gets underway at 1pm.

The course is largely on agricultural grassland. The main field is fast but could be muddy alongside Peel Road. The sheep fields have not had stock in them recently so the grass is longer than usual, and running will be a little tougher than in previous seasons.

Race numbers should be collected on Friday between 5.30 and 7.30pm from Manx Harriers clubhouse at the NSC. Please note entries will not be accepted at this time, this is purely for number collection. If you cannot make it to the number collection and will be running on Sunday, please get a friend to collect your number or contact the race organisers.

If you have not yet paid for your entry by bank transfer you must pay when collecting your race number on Friday. Payment can be made by cash, or by cheque payable to IOM Athletics. The entry system will reopen after the first race for entries for the second race in November at QE2 School in Peel as well as the rest of the series.

The course will be open from 12 noon for inspection. There will be an information desk available in the Rugby clubhouse for any questions to be answered from 12 noon until 12.30pm. You must be at the start line 5 minutes before the start of your race to hear the course briefing. All races will go off on time or as close as possible after the advertised time. No race will start early.

Full details of all race distances from under-nines upwards are here.  And here is the course map. The minimum age for competitors is seven years on the day of the race.

There is a large parking area at Douglas Rugby Club which should accommodate everyone. An alternative is to park in the vicinity of the NSC and to walk up the road from Quarter Bridge. Spectators please keep off the course during the races. Douglas RUFC will be running a tuck shop in the afternoon so please do stay and make an afternoon of it. Watch the races with some exciting competition and enjoy the refreshments that will be on sale.

Thanks to Law Trust for their continued and much valued support and sponsorship.

Timetable and approximate distances are as follows:

12 noon – Course open for inspection
1.00pm – Under 9 Boys, 900 metres (1 short lap)
1.05pm – Under 9 Girls, 900 metres (1 short lap)
1.10pm – Under 11 Boys, 1,800 metres (2 short laps)
1.20pm – Under 11 Girls, 1,800 metres (2 short laps)
1.35pm – Under 15 Boys, Under 17 Women, 3,900 metres (1 short lap, one large lap)
1.37pm – Under 13 Boys and Girls, Under 15 Girls, Short Course, 3,000 metres (1 large lap)
2.10pm – Under 17 Men, Junior/ Senior/ Veteran Women, 6,000 metres (2 large laps)
2.10pm – Junior/ Senior/Veteran Men, 9,000 metres (3 large laps)

Law Trust IOM Cross-Country League Entry Information 2023/24

Entries for the Law Trust Cross-Country League for the 2023/24 season are open. The first round of the series takes place at Port-e-Chee Meadow on the outskirts of Douglas on Sunday 1st October, with racing getting under way at 1pm.

The following three rounds will be at QE2 School in Peel on Sunday 5th November, Crossags in Ramsey on Sunday 3rd December, and the final round incorporating the IOM Championships at the Horses’ Home on Sunday 14th January 2024.

Entries are online only, with no entries on the days of any of the races. The link is  – thanks to Manx Fell Runners for the use of their online entry system. Families need to complete a separate entry for each individual. Please check age groups carefully – details are on the form. For veteran athletes (35 and above) the category is based on age on the date of the first round (01/10/23). Entries will CLOSE at midnight on Sunday 24th September.

There will be no further opportunity to enter prior to the first round and there will be no entries on the day. The online entry system will re-open prior to rounds two, three and four – more information will be posted at the time.

Payment should be made to IOM Athletics, preferably by Bank Transfer. Details are: Isle of Man Bank, Sort Code 55-91-00, account number 14347237. Details of entry fees are on the entry form. We would encourage entry for the full series as there is a significant saving. Please use your name as payment reference, or in the case of payment for a family, use for example ‘Kelly family’. The cut-off for online payments will be midnight on Wednesday 27th September.

Race numbers must be collected from Manx Harriers clubhouse on the NSC perimeter road on Friday 29th September from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. This will be the only collection session, so if you are unable to attend you MUST make arrangements for someone to collect on your behalf. If you are unable to make payment by bank transfer you must pay by cash or cheque (payable to IOM Athletics) when collecting your number. There will be NO entries, form-filling etc. on the day of the race – race day is for racing only!

One further thing to note is that there will as usual be a Short Course race option for U20, senior and veteran athletes. You enter as normal stating your age category, then it’s up to you on the days of the races whether you run the short or long course.

David Griffiths